
Apr 12, 2024

We share our experience

Olena and Rostyslav Vovk, co-owners of a global family business with Ukrainian roots, took part in the Ukrainian Marketing Forum.

They shared their insights on the challenging path of company transformation and how Ukrainian businesses can enter the international market.
We gathered the key points from Olena's interview on stage:
“We have always thought one step ahead. We took into account possible threats. We thought about business diversification. We started exporting in the early 2000s. This was prompted by the limitations of the domestic market, which was stagnating. We realized that we needed to enter foreign markets and build expertise there.”
“Our transformation is the path from a leader in baking in the domestic market to a global biotech. We are going to different markets - not so much geographically as industrially. At the same time, it is very important for us to preserve what we have in the process of transformation."
“It helps that we are small and flexible. Our big competitors often do not hear the client. But we are ready. We can modify the product to meet the customer's needs within a month.”
“Enzym Group has started manufacturing innovative products. We are at the beginning and this path is long: research, development, upscaling. We have recently launched a plant that will manufacture such products."
“The two most difficult things in transforming a company are people and people. The hardest part is changing the mindset, because you need to put a successful team with market leadership in a situation where no one knows us. The experience of Kormotech, when the company was also new and just starting to enter the market, helps us in this regard.”
“Our businesses are different. The markets where they compete are different. Kormotech is surfing. You have to catch the wave and balance. It is about speed. Enzym Group is about diving. We have calm waters, and we need to look for opportunities at depth. There may not be enough air, visibility is poor, but when you reach the bottom, you find treasures.”

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